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Education backgroundXian sports institute (state sport general administration affiliated colleges)Social order (cultivate social sports organization and management personnel)Thirty-five specialized course YouXiuLv: 11/35The 2007-2008 courtyard shan ke scholarship (sports psychology, club system 07 level 92 people only winner)2008-2009 courtyard shan ke scholarship (higher mathematics)2009-2010 courtyard shan ke accounting principles, economic law scholarship (introduction)2009-2010 courtyard outstanding student cadres scholarship (club system 07 level among one of the three winners 92)Work experience9/2008 2007 classes today: master concession class councilor and (in a league secretary of the class cadre period is responsible earnestly, not only exercise and have improved their organization ability and interpersonal communication ability, but also showed the class in 09 year won the outstanding class honours) university-level10/2008-2010 10 / xian sports college student outreach department (club system in student work actively, responsible, and in October 2009 for communications minister rise. During that time, I was responsible for planning and organization for various activities sponsored by the student work, after exercise, whether communicative ability, ability of organization, management ability, or other aspects are : shaanxi xian roller-blading society for skating coaches work (in training learning sports course at the same time, both roller-blading training, application, and make his speech organizations and expression capacity were greatly increase the)3/2009-7/2009 in Coca-Cola xian subsidiary company is engaged in the propaganda work (through the selection process, and successfully entered the propaganda department part-time, familiar with relevant activitiesplanning and process flow, timely giving play to their own special - roller-blading shows to campaign)9/2010-11/2010: zhejiang jiaxing senior middle schools (through rigorous teaching plan and modesty earnest work attitude, I successfully completed the graduation fieldwork task, make oneself of the professional skills have been strengthened at the same time, better to exercise organization coordinated ability and the teaching work)Self assessmentMy school is outstanding, positive and optimistic, and the courage to challenge themselves, good at getting along with people, In various aspects fully exert party member's cutting edge exemplary role. I served the post of student cadre, work steadfast, serious and responsible work, a strong commitment, responsibility and team consciousness, praise, and can at any time to accept organization arrangement, are preparedness to work hard, and have stronger organization coordination and adaptability, deeply teachers and classmates high praise, and obtain courtyard "outstanding student cadres" title; Study hard, outstanding achievement. In addition, can participate actively participate in various activities, in order to its own development, Candid, self-confident, to be calm, interpersonal relations, with strong innovative consciousness. I succeeded because I failed, I fail, I will back to succeed, even far I also efforts, have maintained good advantage condition, oneself moment charging, try to realize self the certificate situationSept 2008: obtain national computer secondary Visual Foxpro certificate11/2010: obtain accountant's practice qualification certificates10/2008: made of communal nutrition division level 4 / intermediate5/2008: obtain national level of social sports instructor certificate (skidding)9/2010: obtain the national secondary badminton referee6/2008: obtain the national level 3 basketball referee12/2008: obtain the national level 3 football refereeDuring the period of school awards, achievements12/2003: LaoJi production and creation: obtained zhejiang haiyan fifth grand students LaoJi production, writing competition second prize10/2008: xian skill-studying martial arts tournament collective tai chi in third10/2008: social fasten renju game thirdMajor coursesHigher mathematics, accounting principles, market investigation and analysis, the sales management, the principles of management, social survey theory and practical, public finance, economic fundamentals, microeconomics, macroeconomics, business negotiation, advertising planning, sports economics, sports industry business introduction, sports marketing, basketball, football, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, athletics, gymnastics, martial art, education, sports psychology, applied writing, English, professional English, sports introduction, sports exercise physiology, anatomy, sports science theory and method, sports health study, sports training study, sports contests to learnInput the content has reached length limitationStill can input 999 wordInsert the pictures to delete picture insert map delete map insert video video map给我分吧,谢谢 望采纳!

141 评论



166 评论


1、想当记者,是个好事。它是大学里的新闻专业(新闻系)。 2 、详情,请您参阅以下资料: 新闻专业: 业务培养目标:本专业培养具备系统的新闻理论知识与技能、宽广的文化与科学知识,熟悉我国新闻、宣传政策法规,能在新闻、出版与宣传部门从事编辑、记者与管理等工作的新闻学高级专门人才。 业务培养要求:本专业学生主要学习马克思主义基本原理和新闻学基本理论和基础知识,受到新闻业务的基本训练,具有社会活动和科研的基本能力。 毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力: 1.掌握新闻学基本理论与基本知识; 2.掌握新闻采访、写作、编辑、评论、摄影等业务知识与技能; 3.具有调查研究和社会活动能力; 4.了解新闻工作的方针、政策和法规; 5.了解中国新闻工作现状与发展趋势,了解外国新闻工作发展动态。 主干学科:新闻传播学 主要课程:新闻学概论、中国新闻事业史、外国新闻事业、新闻采访与写作 、新闻编辑与评论、马列新闻论著选读、中国历代文学作品选读、大众传播学、新闻法规与新闻职业道德、新闻摄影、广播电视学、新闻事业管理、广告学与公共关系学等 主要实践性教学环节:包括初级实习、毕业实习等,一般安排30周。 修业年限:四年 授予学位:文学学士 相近专业:广播电视新闻学、广告学 【本专业为国家控制布点的专业】 开设院校 清华大学 浙江大学 复旦大学 华中科技大学 武汉大学 吉林大学 四川大学 山东大学 厦门大学 中国人民大学 东北大学 兰州大学 华东师范大学 苏州大学 西北大学 南京师范大学 西南交通大学 华中师范大学 中国海洋大学 湖南师范大学 云南大学 中南财经政法大学 陕西师范大学 西南师范大学 青岛大学 河北大学 南昌大学 湘潭大学 河南大学 山东师范大学 广西大学 安徽大学 河北师范大学 黑龙江大学 湖北大学 内蒙古大学 曲阜师范大学 安徽师范大学 中国政法大学 长安大学 贵州大学 辽宁大学 东北财经大学 中央民族大学 天津师范大学 西南政法大学 辽宁师范大学 烟台大学 中国传媒大学 广东外语外贸大学 中南民族大学 北京工商大学 河北科技大学 内蒙古师范大学 内蒙古科技大学 北京联合大学 上海外国语大学 延边大学 山西财经大学 西安石油大学 西南民族大学 吉林师范大学 中央财经大学 淮北煤炭师范学院 广东商学院 江西农业大学 北京外国语大学 南昌航空工业学院 沈阳师范大学 株洲工学院 哈尔滨商业大学 重庆师范大学 内蒙古民族大学 湖南理工学院 西北民族大学 西北政法学院 淮海工学院 兰州商学院 云南财贸学院 长春税务学院 贵州民族学院 北京体育大学 天津外国语学院 山西大同大学 衡阳师范学院 成都体育学院 武汉体育学院 北京第二外国语学院 延安大学 韶关学院 大连民族学院 海南师范大学 乐山师范学院 上海体育学院 洛阳师范学院 上海对外贸易学院 浙江万里学院 广西师范学院 西北第二民族学院 西安体育学院 中国青年政治学院 沈阳体育学院 天津体育学院 广州体育学院 井冈山学院 湖州师范学院 上饶师范学院 西藏民族学院 闽江学院 上海杉达学院 黄山学院 特别声明 专业开设院校列表按照高校ID排序,不是对学校实力的排名。找自己的长处,去努力吧!!

101 评论



110 评论



298 评论


Education backgroundXian sports institute (state sport general administration affiliated colleges)Social order (cultivate social sports organization and management personnel)Thirty-five specialized course YouXiuLv: 11/35The 2007-2008 courtyard shan ke scholarship (sports psychology, club system 07 level 92 people only winner)2008-2009 courtyard shan ke scholarship (higher mathematics)2009-2010 courtyard shan ke accounting principles, economic law scholarship (introduction)2009-2010 courtyard outstanding student cadres scholarship (club system 07 level among one of the three winners 92)Work experience classes9/2008 2007 today: master concession class councilor and (in a league secretary of the class cadre period is responsible earnestly, not only exercise and have improved their organization ability and interpersonal communication ability, but also showed the class in 09 year won the outstanding class honours) university-level10/2008-2010 10 / xian sports college student outreach department (club system in student work actively, responsible, and in October 2009 for communications minister rise. During that time, I was responsible for planning and organization for various activities sponsored by the student work, after exercise, whether communicative ability, ability of organization, management ability, or other aspects are in Coca-Cola xian subsidiary company is engaged in the propaganda work (through the selection process, and successfully entered the propaganda department part-time, familiar with relevant activitiesplanning and process flow, timely giving play to their own special - roller-blading shows to campaign)7/2008-9/2008: shaanxi xian roller-blading society for skating coaches work (in training learning sports course at the same time, both roller-blading training, application, and make his speech organizations and expression capacity were greatly increase the)9/2010-11/2010: zhejiang jiaxing senior middle schools (through rigorous teaching plan and modesty earnest work attitude, I successfully completed the graduation fieldwork task, make oneself of the professional skills have been strengthened at the same time, better to exercise organization coordinated ability and the teaching work)Major coursesHigher mathematics, accounting principles, market investigation and analysis, the sales management, the principles of management, sSelf assessmentMy school is outstanding, positive and optimistic, and the courage to challenge themselves, good at getting along with people, In various aspects fully exert party member's cutting edge exemplary role. I served the post of student cadre, work steadfast, serious and responsible work, a strong commitment, responsibility and team consciousness, praise, and can at any time to accept organization arrangement, are preparedness to work hard, and have stronger organization coordination and adaptability, deeply teachers and classmates high praise, and obtain courtyard "outstanding s阿斯多夫tudent cadres" title; Study hard, outstanding achievement. In addition, can participate actively participate in various activities, in order to its own development, Candid, self-confident, to be calm, interpersonal relations, with strong innovative consciousness. I succeeded because I failed, I fail, I will back to succeed, even far I also efforts, have maintained good advantage condition, oneself moment charging, try to realize self the certificate situationSept 2008: obtain national computer secondary Visual Foxpro certificate11/2010: obtain accountant's practice qualification certificates10/2008: made of communal nutrition division level 4 / intermediate5/2008: obtain national level of social sports instructor certificate (skidding)9/2010: obtain the national secondary badminton referee6/2008: obtain the national level 3 basroduction and creation: obtained zhejiang haiyan fifth grand students LaoJi production, writing competition second prize10/2008: xian skill-studying martial arts tournament collective tai chi in third10/2008: social fasten renju game thirdocial survey theory and practical, public finance, economic fundamentals, microeconomics, macroeconomics, business negotiation, advertising planning, sports economics, sports industry business introduction, sports marketing, basketball, football, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, athletics, gymnastics, martial art, education, sports psyketball referee12/2008: obtain the national level 3 football refereeDuring the period of school a12/2003: LaoJi pchology, applied writing, English, professional English, sports introduction, sports exercise physiology, anatomy, sportwards, achievementss science theory and method, sports health study, sports training study, sports contests to learnInput the content has reached length limitationStill can input 999 wordInsert the pictures to delete picture insert map delete map insert video video map给我分吧,谢谢我需要啊谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢

111 评论


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